Freelance Content Creator & Runner Opportunities

SCastro Creations has an exciting opportunity for several Freelance Content Creators & Runners. Please have a read of what the job entails in full and then fill out the form to apply.

This project is being produced hand in hand with Newcastle Film Club with all the profit from the project going to create opportunities for the club and its members.

Description of Videos:
The client is putting together a social media campaign showcasing the North East and the hidden gems that lay within the region in order to attract new recruits to their company. They would like the videos to showcase local landmarks, things to do, people, etc. that makes the region an exciting place to live.

An example of the type of video they would like can be found below.

NOTE: We are looking for multiple freelancers who can either travel to several locations or who live in the locations mentioned below.

Job Role: Content Creator / Camera Operator
Type: Freelance, project based
Rate: £120 per day (flat fee)

Location: Individual locations to be confirmed but the following areas will need to be filmed:
- Northumberland
- Cumbria
- Middlesbrough
- Sunderland
- County Durham
- Newcastle
- North Tyneside

Dates: We are looking to film from 29th August to 15th September. Please let us know dates you are available and area(s) you would be able to travel to.

Application Deadline: August 30, 2024 @ 20:00

Job includes:

  • Going out on location to film certain areas, list to be provided

  • Uploading footage via Dropbox, WeTransfer or Google Drive once filming has been completed

  • Food per diem and travel reimbursed for filming days

Specs of Mobile Phone (or looks like mobile phone footage):
Specs (mobile phone or looks like mobile)
30fps /1080P
Can have some creative shots at 60fps but everything else needs to be at 30fps

Desired Skills:

Content Creation with a mobile phone - the client is keen for many of the videos to be taken as if you happened to be out and about exploring the North East, candid and playful

Experience with filming people and landmarks - This can be your own personal experience of taking videos on holiday or filming friends on nights out

Communication - email and chat communication is key as this is the primary way to provide updates during projects

Please fill out the form below if you would like to apply for either role.

And if you've gotten this far, thank you! I really hope to hear from you soon!

Content Creator / Camera Op Role

Job Role: Runner / Production Assistant
Type: Freelance, project based
Rate: £100 per day (flat fee)

Location: Individual locations to be confirmed but the following areas will need to be filmed:
- Northumberland
- Cumbria
- Middlesbrough
- Sunderland
- County Durham
- Newcastle
- North Tyneside

Dates: We are looking to film from 29th August to 15th September. Please let us know dates you are available and area(s) you would be able to travel to.

Application Deadline: August 30th, 2024 @ 20:00

Job includes:

  • Going out on location to help content creator / camera op film locations

  • Making sure release forms and location release are signed

  • Food per diem and travel reimbursed for filming days

Runner / Production Assistant